Hello everyone! It has been a fun little sprint and the characters are coming together nicely. I had another chance to play-test the game and it helped me find a few bugs. I had reached a lot of my goals and wanted to add a propeller to my airplanes. I also tried to work on sound effects for the propeller but that can be pretty frustrating! So I will need to come back to that. I also did a backlog review and organized all the priorities. I was already on course but it felt good to make sure there were no icebergs!
Design 3 new characters
I was able to finish my first pass on all 9 pilots. The new pilots to the roster from last spring are a fox, elephant, and reindeer. I had a bit of time so I moved into phase 2 of development and started importing the meshes into ue4. This is a sanity check to make sure proportions are right and little ratio fixes can take place before I paint the pilots. Here you can see that the unicorn and reindeer are too small and will need to be worked on to fit the sizing of the other pilots.
Playtest game
I was able to play-test the game over super bowl weekend with my family.
Implement suggestions from playtest
From the playtest the following bugs were identified and eliminated:
BUG: Leaving Hot Air Balloon
This was a crafting issue where the crafter would stop for the duration of the game if you got hit while steering the hot air balloon.
BUG: After possessing a pawn checkpoints disappear
I am glad That I found this bug. It has been prevalent for a while and was a particle rendering setting where if not used after 3 seconds would turn off. This was bad because a lot of the items you control last longer.
Goals for next sprint:
UV map 2 Pilots
Add Eyes To 2 Pilots
Finish 2nd Pass on Pilot
Stretch Goals
BUG: Tumbleweed
BUG: Fix airplane to airplane collisions
UV Map 3rd Pilot
Add eyes to 3rd Pilot
List out pilot phrases for voice acting