Hope you all have a happy new year. I got to take a break from game dev and spend time with the family. I even have my brother and father in law try Airscrew Racing. They are super competitive and we played for hours. I was amazed at how the strategies evolved to counter one another.
From that Geekin session, I came up with a ton of fixes that need to take place that will be addressed in sprints to come. I am at a hard spot on deciding on prioritizing between character development and bug fixes. My biggest challenge is that I love the challenge of fixing bugs and coding new features vs the time it takes to design characters in Blender. How I am going to proceed is to address the pretty important bugs this sprint and then move back to 3D art next sprint. With that said, here are the things I hope to accomplish this sprint:
Goals for Next Sprint
Shotgun duration is too long
Reset is too punishing
3rd Place gets too many shields
BUG: Checkpoints disappear occasionally
BUG: Planes "tumbleweed"
BUG: Collisions cause lags
Rockets detonation on launch if too close to an enemy
Remove boosts from the dogfight mode
Alert is too loud and annoying
Wrong-way alert too sensitive
BUG: Gatling crosshairs remain if hit
Homing Missile pre-lock-on
BUG: changing in play settings should save player settings
Finish Momentum Capacitor
Stretch Goals
Rockets keep emitting smoke after the explosion
Continue to develop characters
What happened over the break?
Added Floating Bomb
I added a bomb that player 1 can use to try and protect their position. I added this to the build just before we had our game session and it improved the game dynamic so much that took advantage of the break from being tied to sprint goals and added a should bunch more weapons!
Added Hot Air Balloon
This is an upgrade from the floating bomb. You can now float in a hot air balloon and drop bombs on people that are following.
Added Player Controlled Torpedo
This is a small controlled missile that goes really fast and gives players the option of who to target and where
Added Teleport
After a short delay, this sends the plane 1 second ahead at the current speed. I also added a fun camera lag that makes it feel nice
Momentum Capacitor
This is another 1st place item. It will sap the speed of a victim and give it to the attacker.
1st pass on 4/9 characters
I have built 3D models of the characters for 4 characters. I have learned a lot in Bender and hope that my skills will continue to improve the models I am creating. This is a slow process but will be pretty important to do.